Kat Koh is a career coach for creative people.

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Be a placenta face mask

My most memorable roommate is an incredible woman named Anka. She is in her 60s but possesses a vibrancy of someone a sliver of her age. 

Why is she memorable? She's crystal clear on who she is, how she lives, what she likes, and what she dislikes. She unapologetically demands what she wants from life. Because she takes a stand, others adjust their stance to her needs.

She has no interest in being normal, and for that reason she's remarkable. Nay, she's unforgettable.

Anka inspired me to stop apologizing for the way I am.

In the grand scheme of things, we want to be remembered.

Our physical and digital lives are hectic; it's harder to remember things than ever, because we have more to remember than ever. We're evolutionarily wired to want to "fit in" with others, to be accepted as "like them". The problem? The human brain doesn't remember "like them". It remembers purple cows, dangerously unqualified candidates for president, skincare made out of pig placentas, and people like Anka.

You guys, boldly ignore the urge to blend in. The part of your brain responsible for manufacturing that urge is clueless about how life works in the digital age. It hasn't evolved to catch up with our current world: a world that forgets you unless you're unique.

If you want your work to be seen, do it in the way only you can.